1. find a job that challenges me
2. find a church to attend
3. sign a lease on an apartment
4. join the junior league
5. hold off on kissing any more boys for the next 5 months while i work on figuring out my life
6. go to a wine tasting
7. run a 5k (and run the whole thing)
8. get over my fear of looking ridiculous and go to a yoga or pilates class
9. get up to 100 blog posts on my other blog
10. have a trip to Costa Rica planned and booked
11. take a quilting class
12. cook a whole entire meal for someone. not from a box.
13. learn how my sweet dslr camera works--and use it more. a lot more.
14. put $1000 $900 in my savings account
15. start training for a triathalon
16. stop being bitter about the fact that my friends are getting married, and i'm single.
17. join a Bible study/small group
18. get to the 25 runs mark at run club
19. listen to dave ramsey's financial peace cd's and read the book
20. re-read gone with the wind (my all time favorite book but i haven't read it since i was 15 or 16)
21. check a new state off my list of places i've visited (march 2010, texas & louisiana)
22. start doing some of my grocery shopping at a farmers market
23. get out my ridiculous amount of arts & crafts supplies and start making things again
24. finish my "to-read" stack of books in the corner of my room (the last time we met--anita shreve, the anatomy of buzz--emanul rosen, god save the sweet potato queens--jill conner browne, blessings--anna quindlen, fish!, .... )