Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I got to check something else off my 24 list this past weekend... visiting a new state! Actually, two new states! I've recently decided that I really want to visit all 50, which I've gotten a pretty good start on, because that is something my dad really wants to do, and so for vacation every summer, instead of going to the beach, we would go explore new places. At the time, I didn't love it, because sometimes, I just wanted to go to the beach, but now I think its awesome that I've had the opportunity to visit so many states already. I have less than 20 to go, which isn't bad for being 23!

One of my childhood friends, that I grew up going to school and church with lives in Texas now, so another one of the girls we grew up with and I headed down to Texas this weekend to check out what her life was like now. It was so fun to catch up, reminisce about ridiculous church trips and high school stories, and chat about life. There's just something about those friendships that have existed as long as you can remember... no matter how much you change, the best of those friendships don't. The things you talk about may change, the places you hang out will change, but the essential pieces of the friendship don't, and they let you just pick right back up wherever you left off... even if its been a year or two.

I had a great trip, even though it involved lots of waking up at 4am for early morning flights. I was excited to spend time with my friends, excited to see a new state--and then bonus... when we got there, we discovered we were only 30 minutes from Louisiana (another state I'd never been to)... so we got to spend an afternoon there!

My only goal for the trip was to buy some brown cowboy boots: not only did I find some I love, I also found a new pair of black heels, which I'd been desperately needing!

I also worked on one of my goals of using my DSLR camera more, so maybe I'll post some of those pictures soon! I can't keep my eyes open many more minutes tonight...

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